Maturation of a Healer: Intro

Maturation of a Healer: Intro

Hello friends of Sacred Rhythms. I know it has been a long time since I’ve written, primarily because I am pregnant and I’m focusing on my pregnancy….It has been made clear to me that this time in my life is for education and maturation so that I may confidently offer the service of my life's work: to serve as a healer and catalyst for women and families to embrace the power of the Feminine in their own lives.

Connecting with the Body at the Second Chakra

Connecting with the Body at the Second Chakra

Svadhistana Chakra (the second chakra or Sacral Chakra) energy is that of sexuality, sensuality, creativity, fertility, power and money. Therefore an energetic imbalance in our lives relating to sex, power, money or creativity may manifest as disease or illness within the pelvis, reproductive organs or the menstrual cycle.

What Does Reiki Have to Do With Birth?

What Does Reiki Have to Do With Birth?

what is Reiki? Reiki is the universal life energy that flows through each of us. Traditionally it is a hands-on healing technique where the practitioner channels the energy into the client for physical or energetic healing.