Maturation of a Healer: Intro

Hello friends of Sacred Rhythms. I know it has been a long time since I’ve written. As you know, I recently had a baby and during my pregnancy I spent a lot of time on inner reflection and internal healing work. Through this and the following several posts I intend to reveal the powerful experiences that have led me through my fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum life and which have inspired me to work with you in sharing the knowledge and wisdom that I gained along the way.

Before sharing my experiences and philosophy, I want to take a moment to give credit to some of the powerful teachers that I’ve been drawing from recently, that I encourage you to engage with. During my pregnancy:

  • I completed the Wild Power Course led by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo which teaches us how to embrace and learn from our menstrual cycles.

  • I also finished my training and certificate for Reiki for Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum with Michelle Stroud of By the Moon. This complements my Reiki I and II attunements.

  • I thoroughly enjoyed Nancy Lucina's Reawakening Ancient Feminine Wisdom in Pregnancy, Birth & Motherhood online summit, which led me to many other amazing women, including

  • Kimberly Ann Johnson of MagaMama and her podcast about sex, birth and motherhood. I also read her very important book The Fourth Trimester.

  • I also checked off some other books on the reading list including

    • Spirit Babies, How to Communicate with the Child You're Mean to Have by Walter Makichen

    • Ask a Queer Chick, a Guide to Sex, Love and Life for Girls Who Dig Girls by Lindsay King-Miller

    • Anatomy of the Spirit, The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, PHD

    • Yoni Shakti; A Woman’s Guide to Power and Healing Through Yoga and Tantra by Uma Dinsmore Tuli and

    • Diastasis Recti; The Whole Body Solution to Abdominal Weakness and Separation by Katy Bowman

  • I participated in Audrey Sheldon’s second Inner Guide Apprenticeship Program where I received a lot of my healing instructions and support through connection with my local spiritual community.

  • I would be remiss if I didn't also acknowledge the powerful lessons that I learn everyday from my son (who is "4 and 3/4" as he says), and the infinite support that I receive from my husband who continues to accept me in all of my swirling, whirling ascendance that I ask of us!

  • And finally, thank YOU for your interest, your support and your participation!

It has been made clear to me that this time in my life is for education and maturation so that I may confidently offer the service of my life's work: to serve as a healer and catalyst for women and families to embrace the power of the Feminine in their own lives.

photo by Katie Klein Photography

photo by Katie Klein Photography

As I mentioned in the birth story post, the initiation into my experience of motherhood was a doorway that took me into the realm of healing the Feminine in our world. As I will describe in my post about this work, I will share what I mean by “Feminine” with a capital F and why this is important. In the subsequent posts I will share what I have learned and some of my experiences of fertility, pregnancy, birth and postpartum and that inspire me to work with you through your growth. Remember, we are each our own healers and no one can do your work but you. So really what I am sharing with you is how YOU can heal your stories and how you can use the power of the experiences to cultivate your own magic!
